Some FAQs About Workplace Wellness
Do I gain weight if I eat at my desk at work?
How can my company make the break room healthier?
How can my company make the office cafeteria healthier?
Do company health clubs and fitness competitions work?
What is a Company Health Code and should I sign it?
Will I lose weight if I bring my lunch to work?
What did Google do to make its cafeteria healthier?
What management incentives make employees healthier?
What wellness program makes employees healthier?
How could my job make me healthier? |
Small changes that gave Google an edge |
Tell your boss how |
Here's a few examples of how some companies have made it easier for employees to be healthier.
The scorecard in the back shows if your company is making you healthier or not.
Here's a video of how some simple changes made a quick improvement in Google's free-food cafeterias and micro-kitchen breakrooms.
Here are some ideas your company can use to help you and your coworkers become healthier and happier.
Edit this as you want and pass it along to your boss, HR manager, or health and wellness director.