Here's where you can tell us what you're interested in so we can find possible matches with your interests.
Different projects are best suited for different people (that is, some are for parents to toddlers, some are for single people, some are for veterans, some are for people who want to waste less food, and so on). Sign up on the "Join a Project" tab, and we'll match you with a project that we hope you think sounds interesting and important enough to help us solve.
In return for helping discover or test real solutions for better -- happier and healthier -- living, we will share summary results of your project with you, and -- if you wish -- acknowledge your contributions to any academic and popular publications that result from the discovery.
Here's also some other projects that are currently running (or which have recently closed). They'll give you an idea of some of the real citizen problems you can help solve. Also, if they're currently running and you see a match, you can jump right in and get started.
Welcome aboard!